It may not seem like social media marketing has much in common with the world of Game of Thrones. Instead of tweeting, characters send actual ravens into the sky. Instead of Facebook, they have Faceless Men. And the closest they come to Snapchat are the ephemeral visions in Melisandre’s flames. But the people and events of Westeros can teach us important lessons about social media strategy. See what I mean below. (Examples are from the HBO series — no book spoilers here).
Stannis faced a recruiting problem: While he had the most legitimate claim to the throne (that we know of) after Robert’s death, he had few resources: an outnumbered army, an isolated castle, and better-funded competition — including his own brother, Renly. So what did he do? He re-branded! He updated his corporate culture (from the Seven to the Lord of Light), brought in a consultant (the mysterious Melisandre), and changed his sigil to differentiate himself from his brothers. Besides attracting top talent with these tactics, Stannis also promoted from within, elevating Davos Seaworth, a former smuggler, to be his right-“Hand” man. And Davos has proved his worth time and again.
Stannis Baratheon: Social recruiting expert
Learn from Stannis: Sometimes your social media platforms need a complete refresh, from strategy to design to content. Look at your channels and your posts and make hard choices. What needs to change? What new tools and platforms can you try? Has your audience moved from Instagram to Pinterest, or taken to Snapchat? Is there someone in your organization who deserves to be in charge of your social initiatives? It may feel like you’re shouting all alone form the towers of Dragonstone, but a change in direction can make you a legitimate competitor to your customers — and the Iron Throne.
Tyrion is a misshapen dwarf. He can’t fight. He will never be king. He may not even inherit his home throne of Casterly Rock. His solution is one of the most quoted lines from the series: “My mind is a weapon. And a mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge.” He uses knowledge to escape from a death sentence, outmaneuver his cunning sister, and to eventually ascend to the court at King’s Landing. All without lifting a sword or throwing a punch. Well, pretty much.
Tyrion Lannister: Thought leader
Learn from Tyrion: You and your organization are experts at something, whether it’s a glamorous field like fashion or a B2B industry like airplane parts. While Tyrion shares his ingenuity with only a few, such as Varys and Bronn, you shouldn’t keep your knowledge to yourself! Share your expertise via your social channels and your website. Post infographics, link to articles, and give away reports to anyone who retweets or comments. Make sure that all of your fans and followers learn something every day or every week. You’ll become known as a thought leader in your field. Just as Tyrion earned the right to command his own troops at the Battle of the Blackwater, you’ll soon command the attention of customers, vendors, partners, and even the general public.
Daenerys has one of the hardest journeys of any of the main characters: Orphaned, exiled, widowed, and surrounded by schemers who see her as a means to their own ends. Of course, she possesses three powerful dragons, but she knows she can’t burn and destroy her way to success. What’s her strategy? She listens. She turned a simple handmaiden and a nameless soldier into her closest advisers, because their “street smarts” were more true and valuable than the “wisdom” of aristocrats. After conquering Meereen, she holds court every day, allowing anyone to offer their thoughts or ask for help. She consistently puts the people first, even if it means overruling her friends’ objections and delaying her return to Westeros.
Daenerys Targaryen – Social engagement specialist
Learn from Daenerys: Social media is a two-way conversation. No matter what your organization does, customers and fans will interact with you on your social channels. They’ll ask questions, make suggestions, and lodge complaints. You can’t ignore these messages. Like the Mother of Dragons, you must apologize, offer assistance when possible, and direct people to email or a phone call when necessary. And if the posts are compliments, show your gratitude! The point is that you should check your social platforms every day and respond to issues in a timely manner. Daenerys earned the respect of her court and the love of her people with this simple strategy.
Ready to be bold and make your claim for the Iron Throne of social media success? Let Brandemix be your maester with our expertise in social media marketing, branding, and recruiting campaigns. We can help you build a wall against the White Walkers of bad PR and turn you into a brand as popular and beloved as the Knight of Flowers. Sample our magic at
Jason Ginsburg is First Lord of Interactive Branding at Brandemix.
Jody Ordioni is the author of “The Talent Brand.” In her role as Founder and Chief Brand Officer of Brandemix, she leads the firm in creating brand-aligned talent communications that connect employees to cultures, companies, and business goals. She engages with HR professionals and corporate teams on how to build and promote talent brands, and implement best-practice talent acquisition and engagement strategies across all media and platforms. She has been named a "recruitment thought leader to follow" and her mission is to integrate marketing, human resources, internal communications, and social media to foster a seamless brand experience through the employee lifecycle.