Unless you own or have built a house, when you think about doors, you probably don’t think about brands—or even realize there are door brands. It’s kind of like mattresses or lightbulbs: you only think about them when you need to replace one, but they’re a crucial part of everyday life.
That’s what made creating an employer brand for a Masonite, a global leader in the door industry, recognized for its nearly 100-year legacy of craftsmanship, innovation, and high-end design so interesting. The company manufactures and sells millions of doors each year, generating approximately $2.9 billion in annual sales as of 2023. Yet would Plant Managers, new entries into the job market or experienced logistics professionals have heard of them?
These are the questions Brandemix set out to answer when we were tapped to create an employer brand and EVP that showed off their values, culture, and enabled them to compete for talent across competitive job titles like manufacturing, sales and finance.